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JAX BioConnect User Guide

JAX BioConnect is an index of research data that supports data sharing, high-quality curation, and consistent data description.

  • Biomedical research data of any kind can be stored here.
  • The index is organism agnostic, handles all study types, and provides consistent annotation for all stages from experiment to publication.
  • BioConnect supports reproducible research and FAIR1 data principles

JAX BioConnect provides well-curated and consistently formatted study descriptions. A primary goal of this system is to shorten the time from assay to publication by clearing obstacles to data access and understanding. In this user guide you will find both current features and future plans for BioConnect. Long-term plans and technical details are available in the About pages.

  • Quick Start

    Get up and running with BioConnect

    Quick Start

  • Data Use Guidelines

    Data for JAX community research use


  • Getting Help

    Learn about data access, troubleshooting tips, and find contact details

    Getting Help

  • 🔬 Data Resources

    Explore tools for data exploration


  1. See "The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship"